Friday, September 16, 2011

Bravery? Foolish Endeavor? Crazy Lady??

     Why is it that everyone says it's so brave to travel? I've had a hard time wrapping my head around this concept. Yes, its difficult, lonely and terrifying. Albeit exiting as well, but brave? Maybe I'm missing the whole definition on brave itself, maybe I just missed the class on being scarred of traveling, why tho would you ever want to be scarred of something so fantastic??
     On the flip side however you have the naive young girl all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to take on the world, just to be stomped on mentally with culture shock... humm 
    Don't worry I'll try to keep my wits about me..

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fear is the mind killer...

     America is a nation ruled by fear. The drivers are scared of oncoming traffic and over-steer to avoid a hefty increase in insurance and in the process scare the other drivers following them, the people in walking across the street are scared of the traffic that might not stop and all the rest of the people around them because you will never know who the next serial killer is. “In god we trust..” It should read “in no one will we trust except for ourselves” .. and most people don't even trust themselves. So how is anyone here supposed to find their calling or their true self with this continuous barrage of fear. Careful if you go to college make sure its a degree where you can get a good job cause you don't want to be working for Starbucks with a philosophy degree and 76,000 dollars in student loans. Watch out if you are feeling blue, better head on over to the shrink and get some pills. Don't trust too many people cause they might just turn on you! Big brother is watching!

Friday, September 2, 2011

There is an itching in my spine, tho sometimes its a tingle. With the day of my departure coming so much closer the butterflies begin. Tehya, my sister, and Sam, my father, are both trying to convince me to stay but these pleads are falling on deaf ears. For the first time in my life I feel on the way to my self discovery and rebirth. I can not wait to begin my journey. Since I was a little girl i've had this strange feeling of my imminent death in my mid 20's but being here now I think that the death will be of my old self and I will be reborn anew and more wise to myself. I can't wait for it. To see my limits and go through with my thoughts and desires. It will be an age of discovery for me. Something that has needed to happen for a long time. I hope to study Thai Chi to center my soul and Laughter Yoga to brighten it, Speak with old and wizend gurus to deepen it, and run across the globe to widen it.