Saturday, October 22, 2011

Always look on the bright side..

    Well I finally feel settled and then my life takes a turn. Well this is what I wanted right? Hell yes I did!! And tho I've run into some road bumps all in all its not too terribly bad. Yes having my wallet stolen really sucked, but after I got over the initial violation of it all it wasn't that bad. For one, they didn't get my passport, and two it has shown me new ways to up my personal security.
   Originally I had my wallet, passport and locker key on a purse that I slept with, which would have been just fine excepting the fact that I did not zip up the zipper on the purse that was available to me. So my hypothesis of what happened is that while sleeping and moving about as I do in the night I must have kicked my wallet out from my bed upon whence it fell upon a dangerous floor.. and into the hands of an opportunistic asshole...
   But bottom line is I only lost USD $211 not everything so all is well! From now on I will have my money split up between my luggage and only a small bit I will keep on my person. An expensive lesson yes, but it could have been much worse. And now I'm preparing for school and trying to figure out where to stay.
I cheated on this picture... this bit is from Amsterdam :)
   Originally I was prepared to stay in this hostel, despite the theft and the water in the shower that only sprays for 2 minutes before you have to depress the button again... yes I know. Really flippin' irritating. Its just like the old faucets that some of us had in elementary school and I suppose some Americans will remember then from all sorts of other venues, but bottom line is you just never get enough water. You push the button and then get your soap and then shit! No water! I understand the concept (its a form of water conservation) but I wish I could see myself naked with my head covered in shampoo so I dare not open my eyes fumbling for that little freakin' push button... yeah that was a fun first day here.
   However my reason for staying is leaving on Monday. I met a really nice Czech guy who has been teaching me a bit of Czech and I've been teaching him a bit of English. Its a good trade and he is from what I can tell a really good guy, and its nice to have a local friend. But he is running out of money himself so back home to Brno (still in the Czech Republic) just not Prague. So I think I will be moving on from here.. where to I do not know.. but that's how I'm rolling over in Europe! Keep you posted! Or at least try to!!

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