Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Climbing out of this muddy hole that I was calling life...

  Okay so working out is always a bitch but being in shape feels so much better than not! When I was in Prague, doing Yoga every day was easy with the floors we had. Here its not so easy with the awfully plush carpet and no space. So frustrating. This works for the space I have at the moment. Though swimming every day would be the best and my favorite option! However getting to the water without a car is hours which = uber-lame-notsohappyfuntime. Being in shape helps you focus your mind more as well which is one more reason to do it, especially since I'm starting school on the 24th!!
    Anyways I know it been a bit but actually I have 5 or 6 posts that are just grammatically awful and rambling pieces of shit (like this but worse, much worse) I am slowly crawling back out of my hole that I dug for myself when I got back to the states. It's a scary place we live in. Now with all this election nonsense and all of the straight up lies on both sides it makes me wish I had just stayed illegally in Prague or Germany until the election year is over. It doesn't matter which way you vote anymore, its all going to be shit. A two party system might work for a small country but the United States is fucking HUGE! Watch the video at the end of this. Do it for your brain. It need it.

An Alternative to First Past the Post voting..

First past the Post is what Americans are doing right now, which is a load of shit..

Let C. G. P. Grey explain..

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